Our School Council meets the first Tuesday of every month at 7:00 pm in our school library. These meetings are open to all KHPS parents and we encourage your participation and input.
School Council Executive 2022 - 2023
Co-Chair: Stephanie Desjardins
Co-Chair: Emilie Williams
Treasurer: Phil Quan
Secretary: (Vacant)
Communications: (Vacant)
For the most up-to-date information from the school, check out the school's Twitter feed @KanataHighlands and the School Council Twitter feed @khpscouncil. You do not need a Twitter account to see the updates on Twitter - all tweets can be read on our homepage.
The School and School Council both have a Facebook group that you can join to stay in the loop and know about all the upcoming events, such as the monthly meetings, Movie nights etc...
Join our Facebook group
Stay up to date and receive the latest news from the school & parent council as well as the school's community.
School Council Email - [email protected]