Teams and Clubs

Sport Teams - all activities are for both boys and girls; grade 4 to 6

Cross Country Running - September (grade 3 - 6)

Soccer - October

Bordenball - November/December

Tripleball (a form of volleyball) - January/February

Basketball: March/April

Track and Field: May/June

Physical Literacy and Sports

What is Physical Literacy?

“Physical literacy focuses on the development of the whole child — meaning it is not just about the understanding and practice of physical activity, it also includes a child’s knowledge and understanding of why physical activity is important and its resulting benefits, as well as the development of attitudes and habits to practice these skills on a regular basis.” PHE Canada

At Kanata Highlands Public School we feel strongly that physical literacy and daily physical activity is essential in every child’s day to help promote a healthy lifestyle. Through daily physical activities in class and outside, intramural sports and competitive sports teams we strive to promote physical literacy and healthy choices while building the foundation of fundamental movement skills.

At Kanata Highlands we are proud of every student who wishes to participate in sport or physical activity. Our intramural program will be offered during recess and students will have the opportunity to play varying sports, be a part of a team atmosphere, learn new skills as well as have the opportunity to exhibit sportsmanship and fair play.

Competitive sports teams will be selected to represent Kanata Highlands and our community at various sporting tournaments throughout our region. First and foremost, we believe that every student who chooses to try out for competitive teams must realize that our sports teams are about learning how to play together, demonstrating sportsmanship and fair play. Competitive teams will be chosen using the coach's experience and discretion. Every student is encouraged to try out, yet only a set number of players will be chosen to represent the school. A student is able to try out for every and all competitive sports teams if they so choose.

We are proud of all the achievements of all of our students. We are proud to send our sports teams out to represent our school and our school community. We are proud that every student has an opportunity to participate in physical literacy and fundamental movement skills throughout the school year.

Go Hawks Go!!!!